
Hello - Bonjour, my name is Anne-Marie

I offer group and private yoga, yoga therapy, sound therapy, and Thai Yoga Massage

Education & Training:

I have a BaH in Health Studies Queens’ University (08) and additional Kinesiology credit from the University of Ottawa.

I am a trauma informed teacher and have completed an advanced 500hr Yoga Psychology Teacher training, and 100hr Yin yoga certification.

I am currently studying yoga therapy foundations program - Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy

I have completed Thai yoga massage Level 2 - Lotus Palm Montreal

Sound Therapy training in Quartz crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls & Shamanic drumming.

In addition, I have been working in the health and fitness field as a PT and fitness teacher since 2007 and have completed MANY certifications and trainings over the years including: Functional Movement Screen, Olympic lifting, Pre-Post natal fitness, YMCA Cyclefit (spin teacher), and presented at multiple fitness/wellness conferences on safe spine and core training (based on Dr. Stuart McGill’s Backfitpro methods), and myofasical release/foam rolling.

Yoga lineage/style:

My offerings are a personalized blend of traditional hatha, slow flow, kundalini, yin, Qi gong, and other therapeutic and somatic practices.

My approach:

I teach through an embodied somatic lens - students learn to feel deeply into their body and listen to their inner teacher. I focus on functional and therapeutic practices rather than “achieving” a posture. I don’t believe in “levels” of postures: one expression is NOT more advanced or better than another, yoga practice is about mindfully choosing what will be most functional and nourishing in YOUR body, in THAT moment. In other words, the goal is purposeful individualized alignment, because everyone is built different and has their own energetic needs.

Working with all 5 koshas - sheaths of the body, my offerings are designed to empower, nourish, and activate your body’s natural healing abilities in a safe, supportive space.

Why I got into yoga & energy work:

I am an army brat, military spouse and a mother of two. I have moved many… many times! I know what it’s like to start over. I am also recently diagnosed ADHD (at 37!) and a mother of neurodivergent daughters as well. Repeated cycles of anxiety, depression, burnouts, chronic pain and epilepsy since childhood finally led me to yoga. Motherhood and some additional life traumas triggered some dark and difficult times with heavy depression and debilitating chronic pain. But my kids were depending on me, so this began my life’s pivot toward yoga and meditation for self-healing. I had to learn to slow down (I still struggle with this one and probably always will), to go easier on myself, and implement tools to renew and heal my nervous system. This is an ongoing practice and life-long learning that I feel called to share with others.

Over time, I have learned that I am an empath, a highly sensitive person, and intuitive energy worker. I have been told that my gift is creating a warm, welcoming and nurturing space where people feel safe. I combine my deep love of science, intuition, and spirituality to meet you exactly where you are without judgement or expectations. Body and energy work is my soul’s calling - my dharma is to empower and support healing in a safe, heart-centered space.

It’s easy to look at the countours of a forest and feel a bone deep love for nature. It’s less easy to remember that the countours of your own mind and body represent the exact same nature and deserve the same love.

- Jarod K Anderson